Imagine a self-sustaining company that generates revenue year after year on its own with no work done by any human being. Autodidactic is such a company, where revenue is automated by a
fully autonomous AI and the humans can focus solely on creative endeavors
Our team consists of self-taught individuals each skilled in many fields. All of us are equally artists, engineers, and mad scientists at heart. We grew up online as gamers and have gone on to treat the world as our sandbox. We all share a hunger and curiosity that comes only from interest in both programming and finance, math and literature, art and science,
polymath and autodidact
A typical day can go from creating games, music, and short films to building bots that take on the stock market. If our projects change the world so be it, but we bow down to no one. We've built an engine that lets us tackle any project we can think of, pursue any idea we can dream of, and we’re looking for others who, like us, have a strong sense of adventure, a healthy level of insanity, and a genuine desire to take over the world... just because we can. Bahaha!